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3 Secrets to Activating Your Self-Healing Super Powers

Writer's picture: Higher PotentialHigher Potential

Transcribed from the webinar by Dr. Sue Morter.


Stress is anything that causes your body to change the way it’s functioning in this moment (physical, emotional, nutritional stress). The body is designed to survive stress. Physical stress comes from an actual threat of injury to your body (accidents, physical activity). It typically calls upon the body to take care of the immediate physical need—given the opportunity, the body goes into action—it changes its function to repair damaged tissue and bone based on what is happening – and then it returns to the demands of the day.

Nutritional stress is the ever-present companion to drinking and eating or intake of something (from outside).

Emotional stress comes from within. It originates in your conscious mind but can even be subconscious. It starts with your feelings, beliefs, memories, and attitudes towards events and people or from your response to a situation or event. You don’t have to respond to emotional stress in ways that puts undue chronic strain on your body—you have a choice about how you respond.

Is there a situation that you wished never happened? How does this situation make you feel? Do you feel burdened, angry, frustrated by these feelings? These feeling are keeping you stuck—creating chronic emotional stress and keeping you unable to move forward.

We can’t control life on the outside. We can control how we perceive things in these situations and then things can change. Thus, we have to shift how we are perceiving things.

3 Ways To Open Abundant Flow of Energy From The Universe

1. Increase your awareness of when you feel resistance to a situation.

How do you resist? How does it feel in your body? Become aware of your patterns.

2. Ask, “How is this situation a gift to me?”

In the moment you notice resistance ask yourself, “How is this serving something in my life?”

If you can’t answer in your mind or with words, then let your body help your mind understand. The body and mind are connected. It’s not a job for your mind so let your body help your mind.

Ask yourself: “Where do I feel it in the body?”

Where do I feel it specifically in my body? Stop and listen, silently. You are not going to hear words but will feel something in your body.

Charge, change, a shift, knot, tension—squeeze it back and take a big belly breath (let it know the mind has heard the signal that the body is trying to offer). There is a tremendous gateway opening right now just as this is happening.

3. Without resistance, allow yourself to feel anything that comes up.

The moment you allow yourself to feel the feeling you don’t want to feel—(your body houses your superpowers)—you are finding the places in you that you have pocketed off, deflected away from that keep you from knowing your wholeness.

The mind will try to distract you—you won’t let that happen, you’re going to start to feel this feeling that you don’t want to feel. Your mind will try to get busy, write a story to distract you, think—it’s going to do something to get you into an entirely different state as a means of survival. But it’s not going to serve you and not going to allow you to heal—so you are going to stay with it.

If you don’t feel anything in your body, don’t worry! Wherever your mind goes in that moment—wherever it drops to—just squeeze that area—hug it on the inside because the whole energetic system knows what it’s doing.

Slow your breath down and breathe deeply into your belly (you are activating energy circuits) feel the energy start flowing again. You start to clear this area of your body and will not be stuck in that area of your body or your life.


If you are not healing the thing you want to heal, then that thing is not a priority—something else is. They key is hidden inside of you, and you hold that key. The body directs healing energy to where it needs to be healed right now, as a means of survival, so the most life-threatening thing will get the attention first.

The number one reason why things are not healing is unresolved emotion. The body heals itself as a whole rather than piece by piece and will prioritize the most serious condition for survival. After this is finished, your energy will become available to re-direct to next priority issue.

Wellness = keeping your energy in balance.

This means a healthy nutritional program, developing optimistic mindfulness, getting rest that allows for rejuvenation, balance, processing unresolved emotions, and having patience with body’s self healing priorities.

When the body is upright, the conscious mind is in action and the body’s energy is used for these activities (standing, eating, walking). When we sleep the conscious mind shuts off and the body begins to use all this freed up energy for repair—to filter, cleanse, and heal. When the body is out of balance its ability to turn off the conscious mind is compromised. When the mind is still active it interferes with the natural repair responses that are supposed to be happening within your body in your sleep.

The subconscious mind influences this whole process—it never sleeps. It receives billions of bits of information from the outside world 24/7, and as such whatever pattern is running in the subconscious mind when you go to sleep continues to run while you sleep. If that pattern is stuck in the flight/fight or survival mode, then your body’s ability to heal is compromised.

How do we get stuck in the fight/flight mode?

When too many stressors happen all at once and overload the circuits, our body cannot process what is happening. When this happens the trap door between the conscious and subconscious mind slams shut to keep you protected and you are stuck in the flight/fight mode.

The last message that gets through to the subconscious mind before the trap door shuts is “run for survival”. If that trap door never gets reopened to let the subconscious know that everything is well, then the subconscious mind develops a belief and a physiological response that reflects that problem on an ongoing basis. It thinks it still exists and the body will continue in emergency mode until it exhausts itself over the issue.

Ultimately this leads to breakdown states like adrenal fatigue, thyroid exhaustion, and hormonal imbalances. The problem is in the subconscious, and we didn’t even know its happening and don’t remember why it got started—and days, months and years can go by.

To get the body out of the stress response and get it to a state where it can start healing itself again we have to open that trap door and allow the conscious and subconscious mind to work together again. This allows your body system to return to its natural healing state and continue its healing priorities.

So how do we get the trap door open?

There are many techniques.

1. Exhale first.

When people are stressed, most take a breath and hold it. It gets stuck in the upper lungs, which then activates the flight/fight response and further keeps them stuck. To let go of the fight/flight response, you need to breathe deeply in your belly, and to do that you have to exhale first—pushing all the breath out of your lower abdomen.

Exhaling first will triggers your body to recognize that the intense emotion or stressor is being processed fully and gets unstuck from under the trap door. Every time you fully process something—you exhale. Let the body think that it’s over first, and then it will start working in you favor.

2. Take a full belly breath.

Next take a full breath from deep in the belly—it further notifies the conscious mind that all is well and the trap door remains open. There are other tools and practices we can do to open the trap door, such as physical activities and different positions we put the body in.

3. Shift the priority of healing.

Survival is the #1 priority for your body, not health, so as soon as you can, get survival taken care of. Then the body will start to focus on healing.


To heal the body most powerfully and quickly, we have to be anchored in the body in the vibrational frequency of love–it’s the ultimate healing energy. It is the universal solvent bringing transformation to every life circumstance and challenge. Love is our true nature.

We can learn to drop into the vibration of love and live from that space no matter what. By being in the vibration of love, we enable coherence between the mind and the body and the spirit maximising the potential and activation of the body’s self healing superpower.

Exercise: Generating Loving Presence—Choosing to be loved.

Think of someone or something you dearly love and be in the presence of it (past, present, or future – anything that activates unconditional love in you – you can make it up; if you never had love before imagine what it would be like to have the love) - imagine what it would be like if you could have it any way you wanted love to feel.

As you call this up (person, object), understand this object of love is revealing a vibration of love to your mind that you already posses—it brings love up from within you so that your mind can perceive the love that you already are vibrating from the inside - the love that you are.

  • Fill your heart with the presence of this image.

  • Fill your 5 senses with this feeling and take your attention deeply into your body. Sense how you feel inside and turn up the volume on the inside, and then turn it up again.

  • Let it overflow, emit and transmit from you in the room and even further beyond the room—magnifying it.

  • Drop into it—notice and memorize how it feels in the body.

  • Catch it. Place one hand on your heart and one on your belly and say to yourself, “this is for me” and receive it all.

  • Drop the love that is bigger than the room into the centre of your being (heart, mind, throat, belly), feel it in every crevice in your body, breath it in deeply—nurture this feeling for several breaths.

  • Breathe it into every part. This sensation is unconditional love. This love that you thought you need from outside world is available within you to you all the time—you need only to connect with it.

When you do this practice, your conscious mind recognizes that you are activating and offering love, and your subconscious recognizes that you are receiving love all at the same time—this is a signature pattern—a self healing superpower for you to practice multiple times every day.

The chemistry of love in the body is the same as chemistry of healing. The quantum science shows us that the energy field of love has a unifying and healing effect like eliminating the static on the telephone line to create a clear and expansive signal of healing for the cells in your body.

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